Totally guessing is not a great getting some feedback from potential clients is valuable. How you approach obtaining this input can make the learning process easier...
Do your homework
Research what other similar organizations are charging for solutions like yours.
What are they charging?
How do they structure their pricing?
How long do their customers commit for?
How to ask
Particularly if you are new to the prospective client, they will be guarded about sharing specifically what they are paying currently. Looking for a general sense for how your pricing compares is more approachable...
Based on our conversation, our pricing will likely be between X and Y (provide a range). What do you think about that range?
How would you compare our offer to your current solution from a pricing perspective?
When to ask
Leave an inquiry about pricing for later in the conversation or as a follow-up. It is important for the prospective client to understand the value of your solution BEFORE you discuss pricing.
The feedback will help you feel more confident about your offer!
Marc Kitz, Sales Coach
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