It is critical to obtain this information to see if/how you might navigate around this challenge. Assuming you are not the current provider, here is how you might proceed...
Do some homework first
Before proceeding with pursuing an opportunity ask your “inside coach” (someone at the client supporting your effort) for guidance. Some common reasons clients might lean toward your competitor...
Made decision to bring in current provider
Busy with other priorities
Too little time to transition before critical deadline
Long-term relationship with competitor from previous job
Review possible approaches
Develop some possible solutions and review with your inside coach. Determine which, if any, make sense to pursue. There are many ways this can go...
Focus on client contacts leaning toward competitor to communicate value of your solution
Pursue different/smaller opportunity to “work your way in”
Delay direct pursuit of deal and build key client relationships
At a minimum, you will no longer be guessing on what strategies make sense!
Marc Kitz, Sales Coach
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