Your effort to find and close business may encounter a variety of challenges. Are you getting stuck at certain points in the process? What to do next...
Organize/Reorganize your opportunities into a pipeline
Ensure you have all opportunities you are pursuing in a pipeline document (Google Sheets is fine)
Columns should include – Customer name, Opportunity Description, Approximate Opportunity value, Estimated Close Date
Assign a Sales Stage to each one
Sample stages can be (do what works for you):
1. 1st meetings/Introduction
2. Qualifying/Discovery
3. Solution Design
4. Customer reviewing proposal
5. Closed

How many opportunities are in each stage?
Why, for example, are there so many opportunities in Stage 4 – Customer reviewing proposal? What is consistent between these opportunities?
Need to better understand requirements?
Lack key relationships?
Document not clear?
Doing the hard work will result in a better approach to your sales process and is more likely to resolve the stalling issue.
Marc Kitz, Sales Coach
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