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“Stuck” with a non-decision maker?

Writer: Marc KitzMarc Kitz

There may be a tendency to think of this as “getting around” a non-decision maker.  This approach can have some negative consequences...let’s modify the approach to “working with”.  Thoughts on how to get this rolling...


Understand their role

Non-decision makers can be highly valuable toward your effort to sell your solution:

·      What information might they be a good source for?

·      How well respected are they internally?

·      How much influence might they have on decision makers?

Make them feel respected

Many other salespeople will “steamroll” these contacts when they find out they are not decision makers.  Taking this approach creates an adversary inside your client...obviously no what you want...try this approach to making them feel respected by you and become your ally...ask the “non-decision maker” about:

·      How they would describe the decision process and who, in addition to them, is involved?

·      How best to connect with the additional contacts?

·      What role they will play in the process of selecting a solution?

·      How they would like to stay informed of your activity, progress?


Build relationships to differentiate from competition

Expanding your working relationships inside a client enhances the support for you and your company.  Focusing on relationship building will set you apart from many competitors who are just “trying to sell”!




Marc Kitz, Sales Coach 




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