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Responding to customer questions – Can it be done by ___?

Writer: Marc KitzMarc Kitz

When a customer asks if an engagement can be completed by a date that makes you uncomfortable, how do you respond?  Some thoughts on how to stay engaged and possibly close the deal...


Eliminate “That is not possible”, “Probably not”

Any of these responses may take you out of contention for the current, and possibly, other opportunities.  Customers also read body, if you are squirming, they will pick up on your discomfort.


Slow down and ask questions

Seeking some input from the customer will help you navigate toward the most positive answer you can provide.  So...ask questions to better understand what the customer has in mind.  For example...


·      What is driving your interest in that completion date?

·      What is the impact of meeting/not meeting that date?

Provide most positive answer possible – Exact match NOT required

Now that you have gained some knowledge, you may find you do not have to exactly match what you thought the customer wanted.  What your response could contain...


·      Summary of similar projects (that had similar deadline challenges)

·      Potential ranges for timeline

·      What IS possible in their timeline


Outline your approach

For example, if the customer says X portion must be completed by their date...your response might look like...


“How comfortable would you be in moving forward if we completed X portion by your date and completed the remainder within Y timeframe?”



You might be amazed at the flexibility customers are willing to provide if they see value in working with you!




Marc Kitz, Sales Coach 




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