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Preparing questions for client calls?

Before meetings with clients, do you prepare questions you want to ask by writing them down or are you trying to keep it in your head?  Client meetings can go in many can be hard to stay on track.  Here is how to make it easier...

Make a list of questions

Think about the sequence of questions you have in mind to ask.  How many you should have ready depends on the length of the meeting...

  • 30 minute meeting – plan 5 – 6 questions, you may get to 3 – 4

  • 60 minute meeting – plan 7 – 8 questions, you may get to 5 - 6

How to approach using your list

The list will help you stay on track.  Have the list handy right next to where you are taking notes.  Glance at the list as you are taking notes.  Try to follow the sequence, but do not worry about being exact.  If you missed an important question, try to find a spot to ask it within the meeting...if you do not get to it, it becomes a follow up action item.

You will start to see more progress from your client meetings just from this preparation!


Marc Kitz, Sales Coach 



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