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Multiple contacts in deals you pursue?

Writer's picture: Marc KitzMarc Kitz

How often do deals you pursue involve multiple contacts?  It can be a lot to keep track of.  If this is creating confusion for approach to provide some clarity...

Information you need

In addition to names you want to clearly understand the following:

  • Title

  • Role

  • Decision Maker? 

  • Influencer?  

  • Info Gatherer?

  • Perspective

  • Financial

  • Technical

  • End User

  • Why they are interested / not interested

Organize information you have

Having the information in once place keeps it simple...maybe something like this...

Pursue the information you do not have

Identifying what you do not know is good!  Turn this into questions you ask (e.g.  What role does X person play in the decision process?).  Keep the information organized as you obtain will rapidly develop the clarity you are seeking!


Marc Kitz, Sales Coach 


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