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Building customer relationships - create a “two way” street

Writer's picture: Marc KitzMarc Kitz

You can easily assume that customer contacts you are pursuing are getting at least 15 – 20 other “salespeople” trying to connect with them every day.  Most of them are taking a “one way” approach…trying to get them to buy.  Customers will buy from salespeople they trust and believe have their best interests in mind.  How to approach customers with a “two way” street strategy…


Help when there is NOTHING in it for you

There are many ways to get creative with this.  Some ideas to get your thinking going:

·      Help connect resources your company does not provide but are critical to customer project

·      Information on issue customer is facing

·      Technical assistance to resolve an issue

·      Ideas related to a personal interest the customer has

How this approach pays off – earns you the right to ask for (FILL IN)

It can pay off in many ways, not the least of which is building trust.  Taking the time and effort to help in this way can earn you the right to ask for:

·      Meeting(s) with key customer executives

·      Discussion regarding how potentially your company can provide value for the customer

·      Customer to talk with one of your current clients

·      (FILL IN BLANK)…that helps you move the sales process forward


Why do this?

If 95% of the salespeople contacting the customer are getting no response, why not be in the minority?  Part of the goal is to have a customer saying they do not view you as a “typical salesperson”…however, view you as someone working to build a business partnership.  Work backwards from that objective and the results will amaze you!




Marc Kitz, Sales Coach 




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